Assets staked
Slashing incidents

Unlock the Power of Digital Assets

Serenita's team of seasoned professionals possesses a wealth of knowledge and experience in the field of blockchain technology, managing infrastructure and cybersecurity. We leverage this expertise to offer a suite of reliable and secure services designed to optimize returns on digital assets.

EigenLayerGnosis ChainLidossv.networkStaderStakeWise V3
Gnosis Chain logo

“Serenita's team plays a significant role in decentralizing the internet with their technical expertise, high performance, and commitment to diversity in their operations. We are thankful to Serenita for securing the network as a node operator on the Gnosis Chain and for their role in block production.”

Armagan Ercan
Validator Lead at Gnosis
StakeWise logo

“Serenita is our great partner that has helped us develop Web3Signer support for our operator service and contributes to the decentralization of Ethereum by efficiently running minority clients.”

Dmitri Tsumak
Founder of StakeWise

Stake without worries.

Let us take care of the complexity.

We combine years of experience with staying up-to-date on the latest developments in the space, assessing present and future risks so you can focus on what you do best.

Enterprise-grade infrastructure
We leverage a combination of cloud services, top-tier datacenters and on-premise locations to deliver reliable and robust staking infrastructure.
Advanced security
Our team's cybersecurity expertise combined with regular infrastructure audits ensure our infrastructure is safe from attacks.
Optimal performance
Our practices developed over the years ensure you and your users receive the highest available return. Every update to our infrastructure is thoroughly tested on staging environments to make sure no performance regressions occur. We proactively engage in early testing of the client software we use to help discover bugs early.
Slashing protection
Our track record of 0 slashing incidents speaks for itself. We have implemented a multi-layered system of slashing protection measures which reduce the risk of slashing to a minimum. We continuously monitor the blockchain for slashing incidents to ensure we can react quickly in case of software bugs.
We believe in actively contributing back to the broader ecosystem by actively promoting the use of minority clients, improving client compatibility and reporting and fixing issues we encounter. We encourage and help people stake from home, increasing Ethereum's decentralization, by maintaining the website, making it easy for home stakers to determine their staking income.
Long-term vision
Serenita operates as a fully self-funded and profitable business, enabling us to dedicate ourselves entirely to delivering value to you while staying true to our core values. We actively advocate for what we perceive as essential for the long-term success of the space: censorship resistance, neutrality, and decentralization.

Staking options for individuals and institutions Cluster

Distribute your validator keys among several independent operators and select Serenita as one of them.

0.5-1 SSV/year

  • Uses distributed validator technology (DVT)
  • No single operator has control over your validator

  • Reduces downtime

  • Reduces exposure to client bugs (requires operators using a diverse set of clients)

  • Stake in multiples of 32 ETH
  • Stake Now

    StakeWise Vault

    Most popular

    A permissionless way to stake with Serenita, open to everyone. Uses StakeWise's audited smart contracts to automatically split the rewards on-chain.

    5%/total rewards

    • Optimal performance
    • No exposure to supermajority client bugs
    • Stake any amount
    • Liquidity options - mint osETH against your deposit
    • MEV reward smoothing
    • 24/7 monitoring and incident response
    • Slashing protection and insurance
    Stake Now

    Custom Options

    Custom staking infrastructure configurations with dedicated support and infrastructure tailored to your needs.

    5-15%/total rewards

    • White label staking services
    • Your choice of clients and relays
    • On-chain and off-chain billing options
    • SLAs
    • 24/7 monitoring and incident response
    • Comprehensive reporting
    • Slashing protection and insurance
    Get in touch

    Frequently asked questions

    Do you use supermajority clients?

    We choose not to use Geth to attest to the state of the chain at the moment due to the associated risks with using a supermajority client. Should a bug occur in a supermajority client, validators managed by Serenita would not be affected. This statement does not only apply to the current situation with Geth, we will always make sure not to expose our managed validators to unnecessary risk.

    Learn more
    Which chains do you support?

    Our team is specialized in the Ethereum ecosystem and we currently provide staking services on Ethereum and Gnosis Chain.

    Do you offer slashing insurance?

    We have implemented, and continue to improve upon measures to ensure no slashing incidents occur. However, in the unlikely event of a slashing incident through our fault, all losses will be compensated.

    Where is Serenita based out of?

    Serenita is headquartered in the Netherlands, registered with the Dutch Chamber of Commerce under registration number 91600790. Our team is spread across Europe.